After evolving and growing the Kiddieko brand and name we were asked to build a holding page and eBay store with the view to create a fully functional ecommerce site further down the line.

eBay stores are a great option when starting an online business providing you with the ability to see how your products will sell online, whilst also giving you instant access to a huge database of potential buyers.

The first hurdle was to create an on brand store working within the eBay guidelines and restrictions. To do this we kept the look as clean and simple as possible focusing on the products and quality rather than all singing all dancing graphics. This gives the feel of a professional, safe and luxurious product which given the swap shop like environment of the eBay brand can be quiet tricky to create and maintain.

Within 1 day of listing the kiddieko products a sale was made, within 5 days over 21 people had bought items and gave Kiddieko 100% recommendations.

Not only can users search and view products within the eBay store they can also view new items within the holding page we have created. has a simple design with a flash animation of branches growing around the logo to create a safe environment. Under this we have built a widget that can pull through up to 10 new items published in the kiddieko store.

This shows the user the price, how many are left and also links straight through the product purchase page.

Building the eBay store has been a great learning curve here at Underscore and also given our clients freedom to work online updating products, tracking costs and product popularity without any technical knowledge.

Kiddieko – naturally safe for your child.

View eBay store

View holding page

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Today is a great day for new business     
Today is a great day for new business