What’s all this about then?
Every month the publication Don’t Panic produces a lovely brown envelope found in bars and shoe shops dotted across the globe. Within these divine little envelopes you will find an array of gig fliers and random bits and bobs including a genius poster. It is this poster that I have decided to design and enter the monthly competition, each month they set a new brief, this month the title is ‘Trust’ and with an open interpretation anything is possible and accepted. Many people enter the competition although it is only the top 20 posters that receive the greatest amount votes go forth to be judged.
The idea behind my poster as controversial as it maybe, drills home a very poignant message. By simply changing the word God to War on an American dollar bill generates a very strong statement. Which is equally supported by the use of the Don’t Panic logo which has been amended to read Panic. Simple yet affective?
If you believe my interpretation is worthy of your vote please don’t hesitate and get your self down to:
and pop your little voting socks on, as in the words of the colossal supermarket giant that is Tesco “Every little helps”.
And in the words of LL Cool J “Peace”.