Welcome to the first in our 2012 insights series. Our first topic? How to better engage in retail.

We recently shared some of our insights into retail marketing at a series of client briefing meetings. We’ll be sharing some of them via Twitter and here over the next week. Follow us on Twitter to catch them all! And of course, don’t forget to reply – we’re really keen to hear your opinions and how your own efforts are going.

Top tip #3: Drawing a crowd

Better data capture can be achieved in-store or onsite by using iPad docking stations, with your newsletter or offer sign up page on screen. Encourage consumers to sign up by offering subscriber only-benefits. You can then use this growing database to communicate key promotions and events to increase footfall and in turn your sales figures. Regular incentivised communications to your database will promote customer loyalty and increase return visitor rates.

Create a calendar of events to encourage people into the area and create a buzz. Consider a few events throughout the year and promote them onsite and online. This year the Diamond Jubilee and Olympics give two great reasons to host a party-themed event – so get your cucumber sandwiches on standby!

Missed a tip? Catch up on NFC & Wi-Fi and social media.

Today is a great day for new business     
Today is a great day for new business     
Today is a great day for new business